Thursday, August 14, 2008

whats so fun about olympics? u hear music from movies and go like "ooh thats hella coool!"
i was watching women's beach volleyball and they used a song that was used in survive style 5+
so i was like "ooh thats hella coool!"

Sunday, August 10, 2008

weird day

i haw a friend on msn whose current name is drug store romeos. for some reason i thought that by adding an r i could make "romero" so i joked about it and i thought that was a car. my friend played along for a long time until i realized theres no such car as a romero! weird! they ought to make one called that!

thought for day

u know how ppl say a wide repository of etc.?
well how bout a wide suppository of etc.?
hmm kindda nasty

Saturday, August 9, 2008

new thoughts

ideas for my novel thingy

a quote: "so coincidental that it's intimate"

screwed up probabilities: In an alternate universe, chances of getting heads is .49999999999999999999999; chances of getting land on side is .0000000000000000000001; chances of getting head is .3; what happened to that .2? .2 of the time aliens always come and vaporize ur coin.

a time machine thats made possible because of quartz timekeepers(which are some type of crystal monster thingies)

more soon.....