Friday, December 28, 2007

ways to sell a cow

if (if and only if) everyone becomes vegetarians, what would happen to all those meat companies that put so much money into cows? i have a solution, find other uses for a cow! a cow can do many wonderful things!

1. never buy a lawn mower again
2. great warm packs (nothing says insulation like fresh frost-covered manure)
3. canned cud: prechewed food for the elderly.
4. annoy your neighbor: seriously, cows moo so much that u wouldnt really wanna be a vegetarian

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

long time no post.......

well i havent posted in a long time, why? because i keep on forgetting it. plus, no one is interested.

ok what u think about this: a puzzle spanning the entire internet, ppl pay to play and the first to solve it gets a prize bought by the money