Tuesday, December 16, 2008

my own permutation of words

these two sets of phrases can only be used by me as titles and names etc. unless u credit me

"Audible Nonsense"

"Visible Nonsense"

Saturday, November 29, 2008

windows vista

here is proof that bill gates is either alien or robot.

I Was looking at specs for my laptop so i was at the device manager list thingy and there was a category called human interface devices. i rest my case

Thursday, October 30, 2008

new meme

new meme: app crap.

haha! zabang!!!

its drudgery that all seniors must go through.

can be applied to job apps and grad school apps and other tpyes of apps. as long as they make you feel like crap.

Friday, October 24, 2008

past weirdness

Ok so i analyzed humpty dumpty and found out that it was the most basic structure of many literary works: 1.humpty dumpty sat on a wall 2.humpty dumpty had a great fall 3.all the king's horses and all the kings men..........

so this poem mainly deals with the fall of humpty dumpty and the screwed-upness of his state after the fall. theres only one verse (1) that indicates that hes up there from the start. nothing about how he got up in the first place.

Lets take a look at "The Heart of Darkness", Kurtz fell, he hella fell, and the state of that falling was all this savagery and wildness that he's surrounding himself with. Does the book deal with how Kurtz ever came to power? Nope. Just how he fell morally and all that after getting up to that power.

"Antigone". Creon is king, one exception: there is a brief note of how he became king but its not in the play. Creon fell. He had hubris, he defied the gods, he was sad in the end, totally fell.

Its as if humans are obsessed with the falling rather than the climbing, which is counter intuitive, because i thout life was all about getting to a goal rather than reaching it and falling.

thats about it.

making siggies

In order to have more money for my yearbook club, I am now making forum signatures for 59 cents each. Tell me what you want in it. Optional: tell me pixel dimensions and density (pixels/inch)

Pay me through whattever u think i should be paid with. should i use paypal?

email me through sunwes@gmail.com

Saturday, September 13, 2008

parody of a teacher

i have an engrish lit ap teacher whose so analytical on this book, saying that everything was done with purpose and that it leads to this and that. I will attempt to copy him by analyzing one word at a time.


what is hello? what is it's representation in the mindset of humanity? the answer is this: hello is an arbitrary salutation that we all feel obliged to do whenver we meet a person for the sake of preserving our so called cultured culture. 

this culture that we talk about. its parameters are something set out by group decision. the populace determines whether or not something is acceptable or not. it also chooses what is cool, not cool, taboo, etc.

The sea in all its gloomy subtlety immediately whipped into a frenzy on malign might and wrath. Immediately engulfing the helpless vessel and its crew and plunging them into a world lacking of invogorating warmth, relative safety, and nourishing air.

look at how this sentence is structured. the gloom! it symbolizes the sadness of the sea. I definitely indicates that the sailors were doing something bad to it. and the action of washing over the vessel was like the narrative voice of the ocean pronouncing itself.

of course its hard to portray it without you seeing how high powered i talk.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

nerd stuff

"The Other Boleyn Girl" right?
how about "The Other Boolean Girl"? boom!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

whats so fun about olympics? u hear music from movies and go like "ooh thats hella coool!"
i was watching women's beach volleyball and they used a song that was used in survive style 5+
so i was like "ooh thats hella coool!"

Sunday, August 10, 2008

weird day

i haw a friend on msn whose current name is drug store romeos. for some reason i thought that by adding an r i could make "romero" so i joked about it and i thought that was a car. my friend played along for a long time until i realized theres no such car as a romero! weird! they ought to make one called that!

thought for day

u know how ppl say a wide repository of etc.?
well how bout a wide suppository of etc.?
hmm kindda nasty

Saturday, August 9, 2008

new thoughts

ideas for my novel thingy

a quote: "so coincidental that it's intimate"

screwed up probabilities: In an alternate universe, chances of getting heads is .49999999999999999999999; chances of getting land on side is .0000000000000000000001; chances of getting head is .3; what happened to that .2? .2 of the time aliens always come and vaporize ur coin.

a time machine thats made possible because of quartz timekeepers(which are some type of crystal monster thingies)

more soon.....

Monday, February 4, 2008

New movie.............hooray (lackluster hooray)

well it seems jay chou has yet come out with another movie. let's see how many that is so far.....
initial D; Curse of Golden Flower; Secret; i might be missing some other one.
and now there's Kung Fu Dunk (gong fu guan lan), it's based on the manga Slam Dunk.
It's about basketball.

I dont like the smell of this, not at all. But i said that for all of his movies. First thing, Jay Chou is really emo, he probably has eating disorders, and most likely has thoughts of wrist slitting. Most of his songs are about love and breaking apart and the huge sorrow from it. Initial D and Secret had a girl he liked that went away and hes all emo because of it. EMO!!!!!!

In retrospect, i wrote this in irrational fury, i think i might be a snob.

How or is this related to my crazy ideas? only Buddha would know.

Next up: Jay Chou starring in the chinese version of 8-mile, his life as an aspiring musical artist!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

phony monks

well, my buddhism teacher just showed us a person who pretends to be a bikshu (celibate monk) by using the Shih title. he has a wife. im a little ticked of at this notion of fake monks, though i've known about them for a while, and i'm determined to do something about it.

i was thinking about a satire blog of some phony monk who has a wife and a lot of material wealth. the fakeness of him will be extremely dramatized but theres one catch, i dont know if this is bad karma or not. i know it's bad karma for posing as monk or causing people to disbelieve buddhism (but i will emphasize how fake it is) but is it bad karma to make fun of people who are fake monks?
please tell me if i got any of that Shih notion wrong. here is the site that leads to a vast network of other related sites (one of the monks studied at gold mountain!)http://www.dragonflower.org/. the one that my teacher pointed out was Ven. Shih Yin Fa http://www.buddhistchannel.tv/index.php?id=62,5724,0,0,1,0

he is the person whom i am doubtful about, please dont be prejudiced from my opinions. their teacher can be considered as on the traditional path (he wears traditional japanese buddhist clothing and doesnt have the title that asserts his celibacy) but the disciples wear the chinese robes of a celibate monk. some of them may as be celibate and therefore real monks.